300th Sweetgum Life Blog Post Giveaway!

Welcome to my 300th Sweetgum Life Blog Post Giveaway! It’s hard to believe that I’ve posted 300 times!

I hope you’ll celebrate with me by entering my giveaway. All you have to do is tell me your favorite post in the Comment section, below. Of course, I also want to know why you like the post so much.

I started my blog in 2013 after reading Kathryn Stockett’s The Help. I related to it so much because of my life growing up in rural south Alabama. We did have “help” while Mom worked in my parents’ store, Jachin Grocery. Things were a little different for us than Stockett’s fictionalized account of growing up in Mississippi during the upheaval of the 1960’s–I grew up in the post-Civil Rights era of the 70s-80s.

I do have the fondest memories of our help, Vianna, my beloved childcare provider. I’m sure she had a positive influence on my perception of African-Americans. One of my childhood playmates was not nice to her maid. But I loved Mary Anne to death and loved to cuddle up with her when I visited my playmate. Not saying that I was a perfect little child, but I look forward to seeing Vianna and Mary Anne in Heaven one day, because I’m sure they’ll be there.

What is Sweetgum Life about?

Www.sweetgumlife.com focuses on the beauty of a simple life with faith, warmth, nostalgia, and humor by sharing life and southern culture from a wife and mom’s perspective.

Sunflowers at Sweetgum House.

Sweetgumlife — A Southern Lifestyle Blog

No one can deny the cultural differences that are part of the United States. Television, film, and literature perpetuate these stereotypes–and I do too, at times. I also tend to romanticize life in the South. But just like the castles in Europe, no life is without problems common to the human race. I’m a very positive person, and I tend to focus on the good. We get enough nastiness from the news…that is, if we even bother to watch it anymore. I usually don’t and tend to get by just fine.


It’s true that southerners live in the Bible Belt, and for that I’m extremely thankful. It’s a great place to raise children. Faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit has brought me through some terribly dark days and nights. I hope my writing always reflects the Light in my life. 1 John 1:7


I wouldn’t be much of a southerner (or a writer!) if I didn’t fill my blog with stories! I like to include the occasional short story or flash fiction in a post.

Amazing People

I post a lot about amazing and inspiring people. Sometimes they are entrepreneurs of small mom & pop stores like I grew up around. (My Papa started Jachin Grocery in rural south Alabama, and eventually sold it to Mom and Dad.) Sometimes I write about other writers like my college friend and published author, Melanie Dickerson. Look around and you’ll find amazing people in every one you see.


Families are at the heart of life in the south. Each one is unique.

Pin It!

My Pin It section covers beautiful southern homes, antiques, crafts, DIY, and all of the stuff you’d find on HGTV.

White house in Five Points

The Giveaway

All you have to do is to pick your favorite www.sweetgumlife.com post and list it in the Comments. You must be a resident of the U.S. and be 18 years old or older. I will draw names on Friday of all who enter. You get double points for mentioning why the particular post is your favorite. Win a $25 gift card to Amazon!

Black Angus cow.

Simple and Sweet: How to Decorate Your Mantle for Christmas

Merry Mantle

Your fireplace mantle is likely the focal point in your room.  Here are some easy ways to keep your design simple and sweet as you decorate it for Christmas 2017!  And BTW, I cheated a little bit by adding candles instead of a real fire.  Lefty is the only one who knows how to turn the thing on!

Farmhouse Chic

Some say that Farmhouse Chic is on its way out. I say, “No way, Dudette!”  Even if you’re not into the farmhouse style, try to add different textural elements to your display such as wood, stone, metal, and fabric.  My favorite part of my display is how the straight lines on the picture frames come together with the organic texture of the swag that I bought from Hobby Lobby.  I’ll let you in on a little secret:  home decor trends may come and go, but this farm-raised girl from rural Alabama is always going to be about distressed, flea market-esque, farmhouse chic!

Simple farmhouse design Christmas mantle.

 Have Yourself an Earthy Little Christmas

What would Sweetgum Life be without the sweetgum balls? For my natural elements, I went out back and filled a cylinder with sweetgum balls and twigs from the sweetgum trees. To keep the twigs upright, I cut open a Gatorade bottle and stuck the twigs inside.

Mad for Christmas Plaid

Princess Buttercup thought that my display looked too earthy. She suggested that I add a pop of red. Plaid is trending like crazy in north Alabama! From Pottery Barn to my beloved Hobby Lobby, I’m seeing plaid everywhere. Like I said, I’m not really a trend-follower, but this red plaid ribbon speaks to my Scottish roots. BTW again, I bought the ribbon and the swag at Hobby Lobby. I probably got some of my Santas there, too.


Simple farmhouse design Christmas mantle with Great-Grandmother's rocking chair.

Add a Little Traditional Christmas Decor

I’m not much of a collector, in general, but I do love my Santa and Snowman collections. I’ve had these little guys for years. Here’s something critical to keep in mind–only display the ornaments that bring you joy. If your late Aunt Dossie gave you an ornament back in the 80’s but it’s not your favorite, let it go. Or at least pack it up to give your kids one day.

My Santa Matryoshka Family

Lefty and I bought these little Santa matryoshka dolls in Germany one year, so they’re pretty special. When she was little, Princess Buttercup used to play with them so much that they rarely stayed put as a display.

Baby Santa Matryoshka

So what do you think?  Is this a perfect-for-Pinterest Christmas Mantle?  Pin or Pitch?  I love hearing from you guys, so please post in the comments.  I promise I’m not selling your email address to a 3rd party.  I don’t even know a 3rd party! 😉

Pin or Pitch — Harrison Brothers Wall Art


The wood.

So I bought these pieces of wood from Harrison Brothers a few weeks back.

Wood glue didn’t hold the wood to an old piece of laminate flooring that I found in my Dad-in-Law’s junk pile.

Instead, I nailed each piece to the laminate with some trim nails that I had on hand.


Old laminate is not the easiest thing to hammer into. At least it was upcycled, though. (I.e., Free!)

One piece split (boooo!) and I nailed them in a little crooked.


Oh, come on, nail! Really?!!!


I’m such an impatient crafter. To hide that, I stuck pieces of sticks in the crevaces and hot-glued the raw edges to hide the laminate.

My Dad-in-Law had these awesome steampunk-looking pieces of rusted wire that I bent to make some pretty lines for the hanger.

I made a patch-work quilt of sorts out of decorative contact paper and duct tape. I wanted the back to look pretty, and I also wanted to protect my drywall from the protruding nail heads.


Alas, the wood was too heavy, so I nailed these Hillman sawtooth hangers on the back and hung them on my drywall with monkey hangers.


It turned out crooked on my wall, but I’ve got to scram and didn’t have time to hang it straight.

I’ve got about 3 tiny holes in the wall, but the artwork hides them.

Since I got the wood pieces at the Harrison Brothers basement, who knows what part of a great old southern home now hangs in my house!
So what do you guys think?

Is it Pin-worthy or should I pitch it?


Done! (Sorta.)

Pin or Pitch — The Dustpan Project


Dustpan produced by JV Reed company in Louisville.  Country Dutch Kitchen by M. Taber.

I found this vintage dustpan(circa around the 1950s) in a thrift store and fell in love with it.


I had big plans, and they were going to be a Pinterest hit.

Hit alright, but it was a strike out.


Snuggles and Spike try to help.  Well, maybe not Spike, who was playing with a chew toy.


I’m not giving up, though. (Think Thomas Edison and the light bulb!)

Here’s what it looks like…


I punched holes into the rubber rim so I could tie beads to the dustpan.


And I used Photoshop Elements to finish how I wanted it to look.


The Photoshop prototype.


I need something bright yellow to tie the beads on.

I need some type of paint media that will work better than a thin brush and acrylic paint.

Any suggestions?